Activity Center

Date de publication: 12:06, 11th February 2015, annonce id: 3230
Luxembourg , Schifflange,
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A vendre: Activity Center
Activity Station is the only product of its kind designed to grow with baby through the toddler years. It features an innovative seat that rotates 360? around the table top to give babies full access to all toys and activities. The electronic piano with flip book has three modes of play: fun songs, piano keys, and silly sounds.

The Pond Station has a bead chaser, popping fish toy, spinning dragonfly, and sliding fish character. The frog popper toy features swirling beads plus a large mirror. Other toys include a ratcheting bee toy, spinning ball toy, and bendable bug stalk toys. The seat is easily removable so toddlers can enjoy as a play table and be used standing up. The toy tray is also removable.


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Prix: 50 €

Manuela Albertini

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